Who We Are
AccuStrata is a custom solution provider specializing in in situ optical monitoring and control of industrial, environmental and other parameters utilizing optical sensing and spectroscopy.
We develop cutting edge control systems for various customers equipment, including the sensors, hardware and Linux-based software
Our customers are companies looking for innovative solutions that incorporate the latest developments in Optics and Artificial Intelligence.
Patents: 8

What We Do
We cover all levels of technology readiness TRL1 to TRL9.
We resolve your most critical needs through a process of initial conceptualization, prototype design & building and field validation ending with your new commercial product.
Our expertise is derived from a diverse, interdisciplinary team and project portfolio that includes both commercial product development and government projects.
Our Value
Working with us is an opportunity to remain competitive in your products market while spending smarter. We strife to reduce your R&D costs, shorten time-to-market and improve your market competitiveness.